Attendance and Voting Results – Annual General Meeting 2008

Attendance: 6.759.722 shares = 52,00% of the share capital entitled to vote

1. Presentation of the adopted Annual Financial Statements of ZhongDe Waste Technology AG and of the approved Consolidated Financial Statements for the fiscal year 2007, of the Management Report of ZhongDe Waste Technology AG and of the Group Management Report, of the Supervisory Board Report for the fiscal year 2007, of the Proposal of the appropriation of retained earnings as well as of the Explicatory Report of the Management Board on the information required pursuant to sec. 289 para. 4, sec. 315 para 4 of the German Commercial Code (HGB) for the fiscal year 2007

No vote carried out on this agenda item



2. Resolution on the appropriation of retained earnings of ZhongDe Waste Technology AG for the fiscal year 2007

Yes: 6,759,171 (= 99.99%)
No: 551
Abstention: 0



3. Resolution on the ratification of the actions of the Management Board for the fiscal year 2007

Yes: 2,259,671 (= approximately 100.00%)
No: 1
Abstention: 50



4. Resolution on the ratification of the actions of the Supervisory Board for the fiscal year 2007

Yes: 6,742,660 (= 99.76%)
No: 16,512
Abstention: 550



5. Appointment of the Auditor and the Group Auditor for the Annual Financial Statement, the Consolidated Financial Statements

Yes: 6,739,449 (= 99.70%)
No: 20,223
Abstention: 50



6. Remuneration of the members of the first Supervisory Board

Yes: 6,742,510 (= 99.75%)
No: 17,132
Abstention: 80



7.1 Election of the Members of the Supervisory Board – Hans-Joachim Zwarg

Yes: 6,165,529 (= 91.21%)
No: 594,163
Abstention: 30


7.2 Election of the Members of the Supervisory Board – Joachim Ronge

Yes: 6,182,510 (= 91.46%)
No: 577,182
Abstention: 30


7.3 Election of the Members of the Supervisory Board – Quan Hao

Yes: 6,182,460 (= 91.46%)
No: 577,182
Abstention: 80



8. Compensation of the Members of the Supervisory Board

Yes: 6,742,260 (= 99.75%)
No: 17,182
Abstention: 280



9. Resolution on the authorization to purchase and use the Company´s treasury shares

Yes: 6,495,.468 (= 96.09%)
No: 264,224
Abstention: 30



10. Resolution on the authorization to make use of equity derivatives within the scope of purchasing the Company's treasury shares pursuant to sec. 71 para. 1 no. 8 AktG

Yes: 6,758,591 (= 99.98%)
No: 1,101
Abstention: 30



11. Resolution on the suspension of the authorised capital pursuant to sec. 4 para. 4 of the Articles of Association, on the creation of a new authorised capital with authorization to exclude pre-emption rights and on the amendment of the Articles of Association

Yes: 5,905,240 (= 87.36%)
No: 854,402
Abstention: 80


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