Financial Key Figures
in k€ | 2015 |
2014 |
Change % |
Revenues |
38,238 | 34,937 | +9.3 |
Gross profit |
-1,739 | 447 | <-100 |
EBITDA | -11,238 | -2,181 | <-100 |
EBIT | -13,220 | 2,995 | <-100 |
Loss for the period | -16,141 | -951 | <-100 |
Earnings per share (diluted and undiluted) (in €) | -1.28 | -0.08 | <-100 |
Current liquidity ratio1) | 1.5 | 2.0 | -50 |
Equity ratio2) | 37% | 45% | -9 PP |
Current asset | 143,624 | 140,645 | +2.1 |
Order backlog | 135,583 | 212,489 | -36.2 |
Headcount (as at 31 December) | 370 | 371 | -0.3 |
1) Current asset / current liabilities
2) Equity / total assets
Segment Reporting
in k€ | 2015 | 2014 | Change % |
% of completion |
64 | 51 | +13 PP |
Revenues |
30,865 | 23,676 | +30.4 |
Gross profit |
-3,034 | -1,438 | <-100 |
% of completion |
67 | 58 | +9 PP |
Revenues |
6,129 | 10,138 | -39.5 |
Gross profit |
2,476 | 1,917 | +29.2 |
Units sold to third party |
1 | 1 | 0.0 |
Revenues |
1,244 | 1,159 | +7.3 |
Gross profit |
-1,181 | -2 | <-100 |